Golden Glow Vegetable dog food 750 grams
Pumpkin, corn, carrot & buckwheat
Ready for a real glow-up? Then look no further for this unique combination of pumpkin, carrot, corn and buckwheat let the coat shine optimally!
Nutritional additives Pro kg
Vitamin A 9 300 IU
Vitamin D3 1 500 IU
Vitamin E 95 mg
Iron (Iron II Sulfate Monohydrate) 132 mg
Zinc (Zinc Oxide) 86 mg
Manganese (Manganese II Odixe) 31.2 mg
Copper (Copper II Sulfate Pentahydrate) 2.1 mg Iodine (Calcium Iodate)
Selenium (Sodium Selenite) 0.15 mg.