Free shipping from €60 · New product: Healthy Habits!

A fantastic choice!

We started the adventure with vegetarian dog food, a fantastic choice! 3 flavors to choose from, my dog ​​loves the variety. I am always happy when I see my dog ​​happily eating his food bowl. What I appreciate most about PAWR is that it is animal-friendly and sustainable and I do not have to compromise on quality compared to other food options

  • Healthy Habits Plant-Based Dog Food
    Healthy Habits Plant-Based Dog Food
    Healthy Habits Plant-Based Dog Food

    Healthy Habits Plant-Based Dog Food

    Regular price €29,95+
  • green glory vegetarisch hondenvoeding
    green glory vegetarisch hondenvoer
    Green Glory Vegetable dog food 750 grams

    Green Glory Vegetable dog food 750 grams

    Regular price €10,95
  • golden glow plantaardig hondenvoer
    golden glow vegan hondenvoer
    Golden Glow Vegetable dog food 750 grams

    Golden Glow Vegetable dog food 750 grams

    Regular price €10,95