By Fia Luijerink
Hypoallergenic dog food: plant-based and gluten-free!
Plant-based dog food is not only the solution for making our planet more beautiful, the sensitive four-legged friends among us are also happy with it! One of the most common food allergies in dogs is to chicken or beef, and four-legged friends with sensitive intestines also benefit from this sustainable and hypoallergenic food.
The power of plant-based nutrition
Plant-based food helps with hypersensitivity problems. As a dog owner, you naturally want your four-legged friend to be healthy and happy. However, sometimes your dog may suffer from sensitive intestines or a food allergy. Fortunately, there is a solution to these problems: a plant-based diet.
The advantage of plant-based food is that it is hypoallergenic and easy to digest. Many dogs have trouble digesting foods that contain animal ingredients. This can cause stomach and intestinal problems, such as eating grass, spitting up, diarrhea and flatulence. In addition, food allergies can manifest themselves in skin and coat problems. Fortunately, these problems can be solved with a good and complete plant-based diet. If your dog cannot tolerate a certain food, switching to another food such as PAWR is definitely worth considering.
100% Hypoallergenic
The vast majority of dogs with a food allergy have an allergy to chicken or beef whites. Othercommon food allergies are, for example, caused bydairy products, soy and gluten. So avoiding these products is essential for the dog's health. For this reasonour experts have chosen to make our food completely allergy-friendly, whereby we do not use animal proteins,soy and gluten.
Sensitive intestines
Does your four-legged friend suffer from sensitive intestines? Then your dog can benefit from a plant-based diet because it is a very easily digestible food. Short-muzzled breeds such as Boxers, Bulldogs and Pugs in particular have a lot of muscle and a small belly, which gives them advantageswith this diet. But breeds such as Shepherds and Shar-peis also have positive effects when using this food. These breeds often suffer from stomach and skin problems, which manifest themselves in itching, flatulence and variable diarrhoea. To solve these inconveniences, it is wise to opt for an easily digestible food such as our foods.
The importance ofhypoallergenic food
As the owner of your best friend, you naturally want your he to be healthy and happy. If your dog has a food allergy, this can often be remedied with a plant-based diet! Discomforts such as diarrhoea, itching and flatulence will disappearand your dog's health will visibly improve from about 3 weeks to 8 weeks. It is very important not to give your dog any food other than snacks that do contain ingredients to which your dog has an allergy. So avoid animal snacks or other (wet) food!
Does your dog have sensitive intestines or a food allergy? Then view our foods and let your dog wag its tail optimally again!